Sunday 7 October 2018

A moments peace - in reserve at Troyon

On the 8th October 1918, Private Solomon Wraight (my Great Uncle), was serving in the Machine Gun Company of the 315th Infantry United States Army. After taking part in the Meuse – Argonne offensive the 315th Infantry were being held in reserve,

Solomon Wraight

The Official History of the 315th Infantry describes the aftermath of the battle for the 315th.

They hiked to Lahaymeix arriving around 3pm on the 5th Oct where they had 5 days much needed rest, as the entire company was exhausted and showed the effects of the strain under which it had been.

On the 10th, we set out again and marched to Woimbey, where we were held in reserve in the Troyon sector. There we were very well fixed, as the billets were good, and the rations were the best we had had in France.

One wonders if Solomon had the chance to reflect on the letter he sent to his father back in January, a couple of months after joining up.

315th Infantry
79th Division
Camp Meade, Maryland, USA
Jan 30th 1918

My Dear Father
I have received your most welcome letter. I was glad to hear that you are still going along fine though I guess it must go pretty hard with you all sometimes, I am mighty anxious when I read of an air raid on old “Lunnon” I can tell you I am still going along the same pottering around with hammer & saw around barracks etc. and have to do a little drill.

It’s very dull down here in camp at times, we are stuck out in the wilds, 22 miles from Baltimore & 20 miles from Washington. I get leave about once a month to go to old Philadelphia, as I look on “Philly” as my “American home”.

I don’t whether I am going to be sent over or not, as they are very particular where they put mechanics. They take shipworkers out of the army and put them in shipyards I re-registered as a ship joiner, you have to put down ship joiner as the word joiner is not used like it is in England I have made good in the Regiment 

I get all the little fancy jobs to do. The joiners over in the old country would be getting good money now if it was peace time. Sometimes I get mad to think of the money I am losing while I am in the army. 20s/- a day was my average now its $1.20 a day for 24 hours at 5cts an hour, I don’t have no trouble keeping count on it. You still ride the old bike, my motorbike is still up in “Philly” believe me I miss it “some” that’s some price you give for shoes eh, we can get a good pair from $2.50 to $6.00 on average just they don’t beat the old country shoes.

We have some who can only speak a few words of English. It is funny to watch them drill in the ranks, they watch the man in front of them follow the leader style. Have you got any of the old joiners working for you. I don’t have to pay any dues into the union now still part of the army.

I sent a little present to mother. I hope that it has arrived safe. I am sending you a few photos with the films of the base camp so that you can make a few copies off. 

I close now with best luck and wishes to you all. Hoping that this nightmare of a war will come to a decision soon. As we are feeling the effects over here pretty bad too.

From your loving son

Charlie Wraight
Company C 315 Infantry USA

(Some words / sentences are missing due to copy and or are ineligible)

Letter Home

Solomon Wraight

Solomon Charles Wraight was born on the 22nd May 1895 in Lambeth, Surrey. He was the eldest son of Solomon (Solly) and Alice Wraight (Nee Uden) and had three sisters Alice (born 1897), Elsie (born 1903) and Ivy (born 10 Oct 1904) and three brothers William (AKA Bill born 1899), Arthur (Born 1907) and Frederick (Fred Born 1911).

Solomon and William were at school together in 1908 at the Gideon Road School, Wandsworth and by 1911 the family were living at 14 Eland Road, Lavender Hill, Battersea. Solomon Charles aged 15 was an apprentice Joiner. His father Solly being a Builders Joiner (Shop Foreman). Alice, William, Elsie and Ivy were all attending school. His younger sister Alice died in 1911 aged 14.

Solomon Charles Wraight, never used his first name and was most often called Toby. Just to confuse matters he signs the letter Charlie (his middle name).

It was probably unbelievable to him that eight months after writing the letter to his parents he would have participated in America’s largest battle of the First World War. Meanwhile back in his new home of Philadelphia the situation was equally as dire with the Spanish Flu epidemic sweeping the city

The mortality report for the first week of October showed 706 people died from the Spanish Influenza. The total of all deaths in Philadelphia for the corresponding week in 1918 was 1,191, which broke all previous records. Whilst Solomon was hiking to reserve positions in Troyon, 254 deaths from the grip and pneumonia have been reported in the last 24 hours. Physicians have reported 1,480 new cases of the flu in that same 24 hour period. It is estimated that there are currently 50,000 people in the city sick with the disease. For the 315th - "Philadelphia's Own" the news from back home would make grim reading.

The Official History of the 315th Regiment USA
Philadelphia WW1 years

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